26 April, 2011

I Climb...

The Mountain from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.

I climb this mountain to reach the stars,
So much illumination, could it be headlights from cars?
Could the waves really bounce like so?
Could the raging lights above come down here below?

Clouds part like Moses commanded it to,
Plants move in motion from some wind that blew,
Imitating life as if in jest of what we humans are,
Completely oblivious to such awesomeness that ain't so far.

Sometimes I wonder if the world is like a fridge,
Freezing the elements that stand poise to boil over this bridge,
What links us from here to eternity,
Standing against all odds for as far as the eyes can see.

I climb this mountain again looking for clues,
For much there is in life that demands so much dues,
For once can't we shout "Enough!" and raise our hands to say,
That we have made it this far, no other than my way.

Like shooting stars stream from end to end,
Making trees look tall, and streams to bend,
Break that concrete that seems to cement,
The fallacies that delude us which quickens our descent.

 I now climb down this mount with relief and sigh,
That beckons me to wave and say my goodbye,
I shall return again to that all familiar place,
where I could rest and rejuvenate with peace on my face.

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